New Crystals, Now What?

So, you've brought your first crystal home!  Now what? One of the first things we recommend is that you cleanse your crystal.  This is because we may not know how...

T H E   J O U R N A L

New Moon in Cancer

There is so much to say about this Cancer New Moon, but ultimately, it is a Moon of Healing.  Of reconnection, of renewal, and of...

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April 2024

April is a massive month, probably THE most influential, powerful, potent, and inspirational of 2024. And with this cosmic energy, we must remember to stay...

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Energetic Update: Week of 12-18 Nov, 2023

For the past few weeks, I’ve been sounding like a broken record, in terms of advising/suggesting grounding and the importance of grounding practices; embodiment, and...

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Stay True

Stay true.Because when you’re copying, imitating, or stealing from anyone else and passing it off as your own-  you’re doing your Self a dis-service. You’re...

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Your Full Power

Your Full Power is in the Present Moment. Worrying, what if’s, fears and low frequencies are always of the future~ which rob us from our...

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Nothing in Nature Rushes...

Nothing in nature rushes. So why do we? Waiting at a stop light today trying to organize my day (already running late from a toddler...

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