New Crystals, Now What?

So, you've brought your first crystal home!  Now what? One of the first things we recommend is that you cleanse your crystal.  This is because we may not know how...

T H E   J O U R N A L

New Moon in Cancer

There is so much to say about this Cancer New Moon, but ultimately, it is a Moon of Healing.  Of reconnection, of renewal, and of...

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May 2024

April showers bring May flowers.From the beginning of April till now, congratulate and celebrate yourself. You are no longer the same person as you were....

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Scorpio Full Moon (4°18' | 07:48HKT)

There is so much integration magic surrounding this Full Moon in Scorpio, 04°18’ at 07:48HK (23 Apr | 16:48PST). Feminine, Fixed Water energy~  Scorpio embodies...

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Aries Super New Moon Total Solar Eclipse

ARIESis the newborn of the zodiac. It is the I AM, I AM HERE. I HAVE ARRIVED, THIS IS ME.THESE ARE MY NEEDS and MY...

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Energetic Update: 9 Oct - 15 Oct, 2023

The Moon is now in Leo and I hope you’ve made space this weekend for Self-Care, with yet another T8, forcing us to slow down...

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