Energetic Update: 9 Oct - 15 Oct, 2023

The Moon is now in Leo and I hope you’ve made space this weekend for Self-Care, with yet another T8, forcing us to slow down and rest, while the elements of winds and rains cleanse.

Venus also sits at the 29th degree of Leo~ it’s been quite a trek since June of finding our way through the ins and outs in how we show up, learning to re-value ourselves, shine brightly, and live more authentically in our relationships, partnerships, and our finances.

The Moon in Leo + Last Day of Venus in Leo
teaches us from this day forwards to:

As Venus moves into Virgo, she will shift into Earth energy, gathering all the lessons from her time and retrograde in Leo and continue to integrate, apply, and tweak them... into her daily routines and life.

Venus in Virgo isn’t a fabulous transit but does get into the details, the nitty gritty, and plans~ so use this energy to get to work~ to analyze, to reflect, to get practical and Real, and to stay present in the NOW.

Don’t get ahead of yourself.
and Don’t get distracted.

And within the first few days of Venus moving into Virgo she will oppose Saturn Rx in Pisces~ which will challenge our existing structures but will also show us where we can better, and grow.

Venus is the KEY player-- and the Queen, in the upcoming Eclipse Portal as she is THE RULER of Both the Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra (New Moon, 15 Oct) AND the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (Full Moon, 29 Oct). *More on this to come in a separate post.

Venus will also help us ground the fireball of energy that will occur in the beginning of this week, as MARS square PLUTO, and then two days later, PLUTO STATIONS DIRECT.

This combination can be feisty, fiery, and destructive. However, It can also be extremely Productive and CONSTRUCTIVE.

It will be up to us to stay conscious and in control of OUR OWN energy~ since we understand we cannot control others, but can be present and aware of the projections which are, or aren’t ours during this time.

Mars square Pluto energy can give us the fuel for breaking down everything that isn’t working in our relationships, as well as ushering OUT particular components or maybe entire relationships that don’t need be any longer.

This week’s energies will support us in standing with courage, confidence, and strength to release, to remove, and to remember :

Who We Are,
& Our Soul’s Truth.

Mars square Pluto/Pluto Direct
key to remember:

CONSTRUCTIVE > Destructive

Also, do be mindful of rush and recklessness~ as this energy can be prone to accidents, burns, &/or sharp objects.

Kind reminder to Intentionally pause, then respond, to slow down, and recollect.
Because as the saying goes, “Haste makes waste.”

Pluto stationing direct can cause massive waves in the Collective, especially as it conjuncts the USA’s Natal Pluto. A recipe for 1000% transformation though in which direction... only time will tell.

Personally, we may also feel the tidal waves in our own lives~ the Upheaval of everything Pluto has been retrograding through over the past 4 months, the first degree of Aquarius, and back into Capricorn... brought back up and forth~ and as Pluto stations direct, we must learn to ride the waves, ready or not.

Pluto wants us to get our shit together.

And as Pluto squares the Nodes of Destiny, this is about realignment-
Not with our Ego, but with our SOUL.

So whatever you’ve been putting off, those hard conversations, avoiding conflict, avoiding your finances, taxes, etc... wherever you are still LYING to yourself...

Now is the time to GET REAL.

Otherwise, Pluto & the Eclipses will help you out with this... and it may not be in the most friendliest of ways.

aka, Take Initiative.

And on Thursday, after Pluto stations direct, Mars enters Scorpio... bringing more intensity to the build up towards the Eclipse.

Yet Scorpio is an intensity that turns within~ especially in feeling deeply.

Mars in Scorpio asks us:
“What drives us? What are we passionate about in life? And do we use those passions to fuel and keep our fires burning within? Or have we lost that fizzle, and need to re-connect, re-search, and re-vive what brings us the Fire that Lights up our LIFE?”

Mars in Scorpio also trines Saturn Rx upon entering this fixed water sign. Mars is no stranger to Scorpio as the traditional ruler of this sign, however requires a bit more presence in self discipline, control, and structure as to not start wildfires.

Trine to Saturn this energy is productive, focused, and consistent~ with the ability to get things done, even if the pace isn’t as quick as you’d like it to be.  Saturn is always in it for the long haul... Long-Term for the Future.

An eventful and transitioning week ahead~ make sure you check in with yourself as you need.  Ground, center, and take care of your Whole Well-Being.

Stay present with your Energy.


As we approach the Eclipse Portal itself, it can get intense, however we must remember as much as it is~
it is Always, for our Highest Good-
Our Soul’s Path.

Eclipses ARE the Magic.
so observe, & stay open to receiving.

Their effects are long lasting~
6 to 18 months from now,
we will still be working with the energies of this portal.

There is no rushing, nor chasing,
but attracting what is already yours.

All in Divine timing.

As with all Cosmic energies,
knowing them is one thing,
however implementing and applying them- is another.

So if you’ve missed the memo:
October’s theme is all about RELATIONSHIPS,
especially understanding and honoring
the one first & foremost-
with Our Self.

It’s nice to start a Monday with a T8, because if you ask me, the work week should really start on a Tuesday (Mars Day) and end on the day of Saturn.
Another conversation for another day.

There’s a lot of info in these stories however can be extremely useful as we are headed into such a pivotal shift once more.

Have a beautiful Moon Day loves-

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