A Grounding Guide (2025)

Grounding is a practice.  And there is no right or wrong way to feel or become more grounded and anchored into oneself~ ultimately grounding is that feeling and sense of connection… to YOU as a Whole, in the Now.  

Mentally, Emotionally, and connection Physically- the physical body which is the home to our Soul, but grounding also relates to our physical home~ Mother Earth.  

Here are some of the ways I practice grounding, keeping in mind that intention is everything… and I hope they may help support you too. 


- Sitting in the Sunshine & Smiling at the Sun (gratitude!)

- Getting out into Nature (walks in the park, the beach, hiking, forest bathing, etc)

- Bare feet on the ground (on the grass, the sand, the dirt, etc)

- Gardening, or tending to your plant babies 

- Breath work (becoming present with each breath, not thinking about the busy-ness of life), i.e. Box Breath 4 counts inhale -4 counts hold -4 counts exhale -4 counts rest

- 5,4,3,2,1 - returning to the senses in tuning in
    - 5 things you see
    - 4 things you hear
    - 3 things you can touch
    - 2 things you smell
    - 1 thing you taste

- Creating ~ focusing on creating using the hands or tactile functions, i.e. pottery, colouring, painting, listening to music, the arts, or even playing with children’s toys~ i.e. legos, playdoh, etc.

- Grounding through foods: ie. Root Vegetables, Green Juices, Cacao (Animal flesh btw is an extremely grounding food however it is also resonate with death energy, literally)

- If you have pets~ sitting, petting, cuddling with them as animal medicine 

- Water Therapy - a shower to wash away stress/anxiety/energetic restlessness as ritual of cleansing and shedding, similar to an epsom salt bath to cleanse and recharge, revitalize 


Additional notes & suggestions by the community too: 

- Walks in the Park
- Showering
- Bare feet on the ground imagining/feeling my roots and branches spreading like a tree
- A foot soak
- Stretching & journaling & walking in the sun
- Black Tourmaline
- Stretching 


Crystals to support Grounding practices as well:

- Black Tourmaline (as mentioned above)
- Jaspers (Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Polychrome)
- Tiger’s Iron 
- Hematite
- Smokey Quartz
- Black Calcite 


2025 grounding mother earth physical body practices the practice year of the snake

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