29 January 2025
Today we welcome the Lunar Year of the Wood Snake.
The Snake itself represents Fire energy, yet in this year we embrace the Wood Snake~ and Wood fuels Fire. There is so much potential for transformation and growth, as fire does always bring, and in such a way of realignment. May we draw forth the courage to embrace change this year~ evolution through release and letting go of all that is holding us back: the layers, the beliefs, the lies, and the stories… so we may step fully into our next chapter with the wisdom of Snake Medicine.
Sometimes known as the ‘little dragon’ the snake can be found in many stories, myths, and texts from the past. It holds deep wisdom tied to the Cosmos, and thus, somewhat a continuation of our Dragon medicine (2024) though bringing in more of its own wisdom too. GROUNDEDNESS, OUR OWN RHYTHMS & CYCLES, and TRANSMUTATION.
Snake medicine is this deep energy connected to Mother Earth.
It is primal. And lives within us all.
When you think of a snake, how do you feel? Do you have a personal experience or relationship with this animal or does your field of perception come from outside of yourself? Movies, stories, even religions, cultures, and spirituality hold the snake in different light. What story have you taken on about this mysterious creature, and why?
In this year of the Snake, may we each cultivate our own story and relatioship with this powerful medicine, in defining what the snake truly may mean to us, in all her magic and her mystery.
May we embrace the medicine, wisdom, and teachings of the Snake in its highest frequency this year. We are humbled by these animal teachers and guides in helping us to navigate what lies ahead.
Here are some of our insights in what lessons and wisdom we may embody this coming year:
* Transmutation
Growth & Transformation is naturally inevitable, so why would you block yourself from your own expansion? Everything in nature wants to grow, with the least amount of resistance, yet we are the ones that may be resisting our own growth. Clinging to old stories, outdated or limiting beliefs, and the skins that we actually need to shed, in order to advance.
May we find wisdom and support with Snake medicine this year, as she sheds her skin, may we do the same… in multiple layers and iterations... over and over again. Releasing when we are ready, in tune with our own rhythms and cycles, just as the snake and Mother Nature teach us.
* Flexibility & Adaptability
Snakes are reptilians- cold-blooded creatures, and their adaptability to the temperatures teach us to become more flexible and adaptable to how we may perceive our environments. Whether internal or external, may we learn how to navigate with more ease and flow, as the snake slithers along the grounds as if gliding… seamless and effortless, with the least resistance and always with grace.
* Groundedness, Presence, & Intentionality
Aligned with our 2025 Year of the Now, the Snake brings reminders of Grounding, Presence, and Intentionality. To strike when ready, with great precision and focus, demanding the ultimate presence in each moment. The snake is always connected to the ground; the utmost reminder for us to stay grounded & anchored into our physical body while embracing our Human-ness. For we have chosen this path: to experience through the senses all the Earthly wonders that are available to us. Every moment, every emotion, every trial & tribulation, all provide the opportunities and beauty of a ‘Choose your own Adventure’ book- one which we are writing for ourselves.
We are a Soul having a Human Experience— We hold the greatest power as Earthlings, for we get to manifest anything it is that we desire and wish on Earth. Only WE have this capacity to do so, and what a gift it is. May the Snake medicine remind us of this magic, and our own magic.
* Intuition & Cosmic Wisdom
Highly Intuitive, Snake Medicine Trusts Itself. It knows what it knows through the vibrations of the ground and the bioenergetic sensors of their tongues. Instinctual and always connected through its body, snake receives messages at all times. May we learn to do the same, tuning into the physical body, staying anchored and connected, listening and receiving… then taking action. Remembering: The body never lies but the mind does.
Snakes also represent the energy of Creation~ connected to the Cosmic Wisdom. There is something so mysterious yet magical about the Snake. Demanding respect, there is so much symbolism, mythology, and stories that are related to the occult, religious texts, ancient civilisations, medicinal properties, and more. May the Snake medicine remind us of our belief and faith in the greater mysteries of life… something that the brain may never be able to comprehend, yet our Soul knows.
* Venom or Antidote?
You get to decide. For they are one in the same; where our most challenging wounds can be our greatest healers but also more importantly that we carry them both. Perhaps its a bit of perspective but it’s also knowing that everything we need to heal ourselves, truly is… within.
As is with her forked tongue, it can be used for TRUTH, or for DECEPTION or manipulation... again, in which way you choose decides the route and path you take ahead.
* Rest is Sacred, as is Slowing Down
Like the Snake resting upon the rocks while basking in the sunshine, may we learn to do the same. To rest and slow down as needed~ to regulate and to create healthy levels of optimal wellness, so that we have the energy we need, as needed, when needed. May we embrace the magic of rest, knowing that slowing down is a choice, and we don’t need to always follow or fall into the rat race that society expects us to.
Tuning into the Sacredness of Life is stopping to smell the flowers and enjoying everything that exists for us to experience.
* The Ouroboros
Endings are Beginnings and Beginnings are Endings.
As beautiful and sacred as life is, to life there is also death. And so is the cycle of endings and beginnings and beginnings and endings. For truly there is no beginning and no end, as we are already whole and eternal, infinite and limitless- the Soul, connected to the Divine and the Universe. Always in motion, as energy, in all it’s magnificence can not be created nor destroyed, but transmuted as the snake teaches us in lesson one.
Wishing everyone a marvelous Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake, blessed with incredible Health, Wellness, Abundance, Growth and Transformation, Wisdom, Love, and Joy.
additional voice notes can also be listened to here
& extra points if you know where the snake emblem on the cover post is from. ;)