July 2024

Diving into July, the Sun is still shining in Cancer~ the watery emotional depths connecting us to our feelings, our emotions, and our Soul.  Where we find comforts within, rather than with out, and we know that the Heart is our true Home.  Love. Peace. Joy. Bliss.  

July 2024 is a beautiful month, inviting us to flow, and greatly supports emotional growth and healing.  Venus is particularly active this month and the transits between her and the other planets are of encouragement~ beginning with the New Moon in Cancer on the 6th, where she will square Chiron as the New Moon directly oppose Ceres, inviting in the most supportive energies in learning how we are to re-mother ourselves.  

The Moon is of Divine Feminine energy~ our intuition, our capacity to create, call in, and birth— yet is also the subconscious- where many of where our wounds lie.  As she squares Chiron during this New Moon,  our relationship wounds may be highlighted (our relationships with others, and our relationship with money)- perhaps in a different light, or perhaps with more understanding, kindness, grace, patience, and unconditional love- for ourselves.


Venus enters Leo on the 12th and this is such a Love-Out-Loud kind of energy.  It is the expansion of the Heart and our Values, and what's brought forth during her transit in Leo, we will be able to see if we've implemented and integrated what her retrograde (in Leo) taught us last year. Are we expressing ourselves most authentically in our relationships?  Or are we still holding back?  Have we learned that we all are worthy and deserving of love?  Have we learned to love ourselves even more unconditionally; with patience and grace?  Have we gained confidence in knowing, living, and breathing who we are?

Leo energies are always bold, courageous, and generous.  Playful, optimistic, and uplifting, may we embody the fun and joy that life has to offer (not so serious!).  This energy is Fixed Fire~ and Fire is the element of alchemy.  To scorch and burn within the chaos, or to rise from the ashes, is up to how we choose. 

Venus is in Leo: (12 July - 5 Aug)

A few tricky days in the month come with with Mars, especially on the 15th.  Mars will conjunct Uranus in Taurus at 26°~ thus expect a bit more firepower during the days leading up before and after.  When Mars and Uranus come together, there is the potential for ground-breaking and earth-shattering awareness and movement (earthquakes/volcanos literally possible).  Uranus always pushes us forwards into the future as the “Great Awakener”— towards revolution and our evolution, and Mars’ warrior spirit sees to it, to make it happen (though possibly a bit projecting, anger, fiesty, impulsive, and reckless when low vibe).  This can be an extremely constructive period, yet also on the flip side towards the other extremity, especially as this 26° Taurus is the placement of the fixed star Algol.  

Algol is a star in the constellation Medusa, also known as the most malefic of the stars- the “demon star”.  In mythology, Medusa was said to once be a beautiful maiden, however was banished and her hair turned into serpents.  As one of the Gorgon sisters (the only mortal one), her stare could turn men into stone.  She was eventually decapitated by Perseus, and her head then became part of Athena’s bronze shield which led her to many victories in battle.  As Medusa was decapitated, from her blood sprung forth two brothers- Pegasus (the winged horse), as well as Chrysaor.  

It’s commonly known that Medusa was evil as the myths and the stories have told, however lesser known was that Gorgon blood could be used to harm or to heal.  And so the lesson and wisdom here lies within choice, in knowing that we always have a power of choice.

The last time Mars and Uranus joined together in Taurus was 1st of August, 2022, at 18°,  if you can remember what happened in your life during that period, this coming conjunction may hold some similar themes.  Two years ago Mars and Uranus conjunct the North Node too, a karmic meeting in values, security, and resources.  This time conjunct Algol, have we made the choices contributing to our stability and foundations in harming, or healing ourselves?

On the 15th, the Sun also squares Chiron, perhaps kicking up the wounds, or self-doubts and fears/worries, so don’t allow this lower vibrational frequency to detract or distract the potential powerful energy that the Mars/Uranus conjunction can support you with.  Instead, dive deeper into what comes up, whatever it is you’re feeling, and sit with it.  Ask why~ you feel the way you do.  Be the detective and the investigator~ with the Moon in Scorpio during this conjunction, intensity is added to the mix, but this also provides the energy of diving deeper into your own depths, revealing truths and what truly is.   

Chiron in Aries is activated through this month, as all planets moving through Cancer will square the Wounded Healer.  The beauty in this, is that Cancer governs our emotions and our inner home; the Heart… thus the opportunity to retreat, nourish, and nurture as needed.  

Stay open to what arises around the 15th, however the mind wants to categorise the emotions, allow for them to be; to show you what can be— and to give yourself the opportunity to choose to heal.


Mars will enter Gemini on the 21st, and in Gemini, his pace quickens and becomes more lively once more.  Mars in Gemini is a bit like a skipping flame~ sparks lighting all the fires though being careful not to get burnt out... so with this energy we must learn to focus and to BREATHE.  To not get ahead of ourselves or jump to conclusions, but to remember what we've learned from Mars in Taurus~ slow and steady but maybe just quickening the pace a bit more.  There certainly is a certain time and place for everything and Mars in Gemini can get a bit impulsive, thus to cultivate a healthy sense of PATIENCE during this transit will be key.  

Because we'll want to do anything and everything... so unless you have already mastered bending linear time (totally possible!), priorities and focus will still have to be. 

(Mars in Gemini: 21 July - 5 Sept)

On the 21st of July, we will also have the second Capricorn Full Moon of 2024 at 29°09’ (16:17HKT | 01:17PST).  This is the third lunation of the series of 3 along the Cancer/Capricorn Axis.  Of the inner realm vs. the outer realm, our private home, vs our public eye.   Both Capricorn Moons were influenced by the realms of Neptune, however during the first Capricorn Full Moon, Neptune was still direct, whereas now, the watery planet is now retrograde… and thus whatever may have felt unclear or still behind the veil a month ago, during this Full Moon, the illumination and the messages may bring more clarity and even more magic.  Neptune retrograde lifts the fog, disolves the illusion, shatters the disillusion, and the smoke clears.   When once the path was unseen, may it now be lighted by fireflies and faeries along the way.  

This is a moon still very grounded int he Earth element; but because Neptune trines the Sun, we are graced with this beautiful flow and innerstanding… a lunation to hold space for creativity and imagination, for the magic unseen, and for trust and belief in the Universe.  And as the beauty of our imaginations are activated, our dreams, our wishes, and our manifestations… we are simultaneously given the power to anchor them back down into this Earth Realm, through the dedication and commitment we have for ourselves- represented by the mystical Seagoat.

At the same time, Capricorn is a very get-real energy, where we reap what we sow; thus can also question our own commitment levels, and if we’re taking full responsibility by showing up each and every moment of every day.  

It is a powerful flow of energies; Uranus also supports this full Moon in our breakthroughs, and in building more aligned foundations that our dream life calls for.  

(As always, Full Moon notes to come)

And just as each planet moves through Cancer and squares Chiron, as they enter Leo, will oppose Pluto Rx in Aquarius.  Plutonian energies are always quite intense however very real~ and thus what comes forth when Pluto is involved is to take a good, hard look at oneself and your surroundings; the inner and outer worlds and to ask the hard questions.  Cleaning out the closets of skeletons, or what’s been swept under the rug… all of it.  Be honest, stay truthful to you.  

July feels like there are so many choice points for us all, for both the inner realms and external realms… may we continue to nourish and nurture this season, choosing wisely, and always, choosing love.


ps: also looking into August, we will have Mercury Rx once again (Virgo and back into Leo)... pre-shadow begins the 17th of July. Fun times. Fun times. :)

Key Planetary Dates:

02:     Mercury enters Leo,
          Neptune stations Retrograde 29°56’ Pisces
06:     New Moon 14°23’ Cancer
12:     Venus enters Leo
15:     Mars/Uranus conjunction 26°19’ Taurus w/ Algol
21:     Mars enters Gemini,
          Full Moon 29°09’ Capricorn
22:     Sun enters Leo
23:     Sun opposes Pluto
26:     Mercury enters Virgo,
          Chiron stations Retrograde 23°23’ Aries

Algol astro weather astrology cancer season capricorn full moon #2 energetic updates energy energyupdates full moon in capricorn july 2024 Mars Uranus conjunction Neptune Rx

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