New Moon 18°02' Taurus

I love this New Moon. And you should too.  

At 18°02' Taurus, this New Moon arrives at 11:21HKT (7 May | 20:21PST), and brings so much newness, life, possibility, and potential. 

Actually every new moon is new beginnings and we are graced with 13 of them every year. But new beginnings don’t only just happen when the new moon does. It happens when we choose to, when and what feels right for us; because we are Sovereign and have the power of choice for everything in our lives (as adults)… self authority, self power, self empowerment and self-love.

And this is one of the most important reminders and teachings of the Taurus New Moon.  That we are the Co-creators in our lives, in partnership with the Divine- who’s Divine plan is to love us unconditionally, in full abundance of love, joy, freedom, and however else we desire… The Divine and the Universe is here to support us in however we show up for ourselves.  Because the Universe is never working against us, but always in resonance with our own frequency~ it is a mirror…

And this New Moon in Taurus is certainly the most abundant and bountiful for 2024.  If there is one moon which you set intentions or want to manifest your dreams, anything and everything...

This is it.

This Moon carries a huge breath a fresh air, especially after all of April’s cosmic chaos (ok, not necessarily chaos, but definitely was a ride).   And there are so many supportive energies to today’s lunation and moving into this new cycle. 

Taurus is fixed earth, and she brings a grounding energy of stability, care, rest, and quieting of the Soul… She is sensual, embodied, and fertile, waiting for seeds to be planted.  Taurus is the peak of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and the season of birth and rebirth. In the Southern Hemisphere, the falling of the leaves, as the Earth begins to wane and move towards rest and conservation. 

Still riding the waves of Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus (which was at 21°50’), this lunation at 18° is still considered conjunct to those fortuitous and prosperous energies.  The ruler of this Moon is Venus, and she too sits in Taurus, in her home and upon her throne.  The other benefic of the zodiac, Jupiter— also is completing his journey through this fixed earth sign, as he will move into Gemini by our next New Moon starting his new annual cycle.  Neptune sits at the Master degree of 29° Pisces (Incredible lessons from the Grandmother!!), and Saturn sextiles this Moon providing wisdom, experience, and bringing structure and form to our long-term Dreams in creating them into Reality.

What’s to say or not to say, is that I hope you are reminded this lunation that YOU are the creator of your life and it all begins with Belief. 

A single seed of a thought, a knowing, all energy~ that can bloom into something so magnificent, magical, and miraculous... and it all begins with US, withIN.

Sit with the energies of this Moon, allow yourself to savour her richness, through the senses, receive the love from our Mother Earth.  Connect to her in how you feel best; whether feet on the ground, a hike in the mountains, a swim in the oceans, an epsom salt bath, buying yourself fresh flowers, or indulging in a fresh green juice. 

Earth Energy is LIFE. 

Our HOME.  Just as the physical body is the home to our Soul-- the Earth is the Home to all Humans and Sentient beings, animals, plants, & elements…


Mostly in this Moon, hold gratitude.  I know you already will, and do… but the gratitude for being alive, during this 2024, 8 year… a time like no other. 

To stay grounded, centered within yourself; and in shining your light into the World~ for as more of us shine our own individual light into the World, she shines brighter as a whole.

The Sabian symbol for this moon is "A Newly Formed Continent"~ rising out of the ocean, newness, birth, and pure receptivity.  That anything is possible, and to ensure that the mind is not limiting us in any way, shape, or form.. .but rather supporting the Heart and Soul's knowing of creation. 


This Moon also is influenced by the Pleiadian energy~ the constellation of the 7 sisters, and that which is to help evolve humanity.  To release the stories, ideologies, programs, and the narratives that hold us back, keep us blocked, and chained to the Matrix. 

This New Moon in Taurus truly IS the fullness, the expansion, the awareness, the love, the knowledge and inner knowing, and the wealth- not just finances/money, but wealth in joy, freedom, and everything else that fathomable and beyond...  awaiting us. 

This is New Moon for taking risks, with rewards… stepping outside the comfort zone a bit (despite Taurus loving comfort and the known)… but Uranus in the mix pushes us to evolve into the next version of ourselves~ and so take that step…
Act and Initiate when you’re called. Though Rest when you need too. It is about listening to the body, as your body is your oracle.

Believe in Yourself and your capabilities.
What you have to bring to the World…
Your presence. Your peace.

Happy New Moon in Taurus loves,
sending big big hugs, to fuel your big big dreams.

18 taurus abundance expansion jupiter love new moon quantum relationships taurus new moon taurus season wealth

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