New Crystals, Now What?

So, you've brought your first crystal home!  Now what? One of the first things we recommend is that you cleanse your crystal.  This is because we may not know how...

T H E   J O U R N A L

Pisces Super Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse 25°41’

Welcome back to the Eclipse Portal~ though we’ve actually been in it since the Virgo New Moon.  Nevertheless, we kick of this Eclipse season with...

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Full Moon 27°15' Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius, 27°15° (20 Aug, 02:25HKT | 19 Aug, 11:25PST) In the early hours of the 20th (HK), we will be greeted by...

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New Moon in Cancer

There is so much to say about this Cancer New Moon, but ultimately, it is a Moon of Healing.  Of reconnection, of renewal, and of...

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Capricorn Full Moon #1

The first of two Capricorn Full Moons this Cancer Season, it makes for quite the significant invitation from the Universe.  And we mustn’t look at...

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Sagittarius Full Moon

On the 23rd of May, we are greeted with a beautiful lunation of the Full Moon in Sagittarius.  Occurring at 2°55’, it is full of...

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Scorpio Full Moon (4°18' | 07:48HKT)

There is so much integration magic surrounding this Full Moon in Scorpio, 04°18’ at 07:48HK (23 Apr | 16:48PST). Feminine, Fixed Water energy~  Scorpio embodies...

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