Pisces Super Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse 25°41’

Welcome back to the Eclipse Portal~ though we’ve actually been in it since the Virgo New Moon.  Nevertheless, we kick of this Eclipse season with the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, which also happens to be a Super Full Moon (where the Moon is closer to the Earth, thus the energies can feel amplified, and intensified).  This lunation is also Mid-Autumn Festival, the Harvest Moon, thus for those who celebrate, wishing you beautiful celebration filled with joy, laughter, and so much love.  

This Pisces Eclipse is the beginning yet also of endings… it is the preview to the energies which, as a Collective, we will be experiencing starting in January of 2025 - mid 2026 and also beyond.  And that is because Eclipses always move with the Nodes of Destiny (actually they are calculated points between the eliptical paths  of the Sun & the Moon), and the Nodes will be shifting comes January from the Aries/Libra axis where they’ve been since July of 2023… moving onto the Pisces/Virgo axis~ thus the “beginning” of a new cycle (since the nodes move backwards), and what will be a brand new era, really.   

Pisces is mutable water element, it is intuitive, creative, imaginative, and connection with the Divine. It is our trust, belief, and how we hold radical faith…our surrender in knowing that we are Unconditionally loved by the Divine/ Universe / God/ Goddess, and that we are always supported.  And this is for Every one of us, because we are a Soul, and our Soul is of the Divine.  Pisces energy always calls for Soul healing, for compassion and forgiveness, and in knowing that we are One~ connected to the Universe and the Divine.  Remembering that Separation is an Illusion.  

It is the energy of endings, release, letting go, dissolution, transcendence… as well as moving through the fog, the illusions, the delusions and everything that falls under its ruler, Neptune.  Extremely dreamy, extremely intuitive, this Full Moon invites us to observe, and to reconnect/revive/tune into our intuition… our inner knowing through discernment— which is the Virgo polarity that can support us in elevating our lives through these energies.    Because anytime we have a full moon, both archetypes of the axis are present, and in this Lunar Eclipse, the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces, sit upon the “God axis”, where we are truly stepping into creating our version of Heaven on Earth.

Heaven isn’t some place where we go after we die.  Heaven is here, right now… and what we create in the present moment.  Our power is always in the NOW.  
(and if you’re feeling resistance in this statement, ask yourself about the programming you’ve perhaps taken on…why can’t this life be everything you want it to be right now? and if it is, wouldn’t that be your Heaven on Earth?)

Trust. Belief. The Unknown.
Yet Strength in our Faith, so we can Surrender, rather than allow the ego to control. 

Holding ourselves fully accountable for our thoughts, feelings, and actions… every decision made~ manifesting our Dream Life.  And in knowing too, if we’re not happy with aspects of our lives in this very moment, what decisions have we made that have led us here?  Are we able to accept that responsibility without blame, or falling into shame, guilt, victimhood, excuses, or escapism and numbing out~ refusing to see the Truth or continuing to choose the lies (low vibe Pisces)?  Knowing that we’ve manifested everything in our lives up to this point, consciously or subconsciously?

Clear Body, Clear Intuition.

Our intuition is based on the body, because the body doesn’t lie… but the mind can (and does a lot).  Thus to have the discernment we need, we must keep the physical body well.  Exercise, clean eating, high vibrational nutrient dense foods; foods that are ALIVE.  Supplementing as we need, water and sunshine-- taking incredible care of ourselves should be priority.  Because truly, a clean body, our temple, the home and vessel that houses our Soul~ must be at the optimum so that we can make the best and highest decisions based on our clear inner guidance.

And Inuition is a feeling, it isn’t a thought.  So when the body is clear, and at optimum, we can know that our intuition will also be clear (though ongoing healing must also be done in conjunction to make sure that our inner children aren’t running our adult lives too).  Nothing is independent of another… our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies, and at the highest vibration— Pisces/Virgo teaches us this.  

For this Lunar Eclipse, and the Eclipse portal, allow yourself to observe what comes forwards, tuning out the external noise. Messages, situations, or anything else that may be asking you to reflect and release.  To embrace the endings, the dissolution, and saying good-bye… to whatever or whoever isn’t supportive or encouraging your growth and evolution.  Eclipse portals are karmic, and they are GIFTS from the Universe in getting us back onto our Soul’s path especially if we’ve taken detours or have gotten distracted.  Lessons to be learned, or to graduate from… the Universe urges us always in the direction of forwards, so any resistance we are holding onto~ is actually quite a lot of energy and effort exerted on our behalf, going against the flow of the Universe.

With this Pisces mutable energy- it is the transition, transformation, and preparing for our next chapter.  

Every Planet is activated with this Eclipse~  a lot of energy is currently moving through the Cosmos.  And in this EIGHT year, we know it’s for our abundance, joy, happiness, growth, and expansion.   2024 is the year of Ceremony: of rituals, commitment and celebration...  2025 will be a NINE year: of endings, closure, and readying for rebirth, and these Cosmic activations are all moving us towards the final stage of this 9 year cycle.  The  Universe is in constant motion and movement, never stagnant, and flowing with the Universe, learning to ride these cosmic waves in tune with our own rhythms and cycles will be key.

All of Astrology is about patterns, rhythms, and cycles, and this Pisces Lunar Eclipse ties back to 2015, as well as 2006.  Thinking back to then, what themes were arising in your life?  In November 2015, the Nodes were on this same Pisces/Virgo axis however the North Node was Virgo, with the South Node in Pisces and in June 2006 the North Node shifted into Pisces.  There will be common threads woven between those cycles and this upcoming one, perhaps reigniting stories which are continuing, or patterns and narratives which need closure or rewriting new beginnings… journaling (or looking back through journals or even emails/photos) may bring forth some scenarios which you may be presented with in how to level up through the next few years.  

For friends who have heavy mutable planetary placements (Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius), you may be feeling the energies a bit more intensely; especially if the degrees are ~21-29° of these signs.  Though as we move into 2025, the Nodes will cross over your natal placements, asking you to take a deeper dive into what truly needs releasing, so that you can realign yourself, your spirituality, and your Soul’s journey~ making it a priority.  

(of course if you have questions about this in re: your own chart, please let me know~ readings for things like Eclipse season can be extremely insightful!)

Fyi: A quick snapshot of the planets’ positioning during this Full Moon Eclipse (more in depth details in the voice notes, link below):


The energy we are carrying through this Eclipse portal will anchor us into the next few years… thus stay present and in the higher frequency, removing anything that is holding you back, heavy, dense, or draining… make it a commitment to yourself that lower frequencies have no place in your life from here on out.

There is so much to speak about for this Full Moon, which you’ll find love notes which I’ve recorded too, link here:  https://on.soundcloud.com/bhAbX7q3hmPypSyR8

So much opportunity, potential, as we are limitless beings in a limitless Universe…

Enjoy loves, and again, Happy Eclipse Season, and Pisces Full Moon.  

ps:  again, no need to moon bathe crystals or set intentions, though water therapy or an Epsom salt bath can be supportive for cleansing and release.

pps: If you're unaware where 25° falls in your natal chart, but know your rising sign, see below to see what area of life will be activated and of focus in this Eclipse and the next few years.

2024 2025 cosmic energy energetic updates energyupdates lunar eclipse 2024 mars in cancer moon notes neutrino field pisces eclipse pisces full moon pisces lunar eclipse super full moon virgo season

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