Full Moon in Aquarius, 27°15° (20 Aug, 02:25HKT | 19 Aug, 11:25PST)
In the early hours of the 20th (HK), we will be greeted by the Full Moon in Aquarius, 27°15’. One of the most activating moons of 2024, this lunation emanates wild card energy~ challenging our calm within the chaos.
This Aquarius Moon is being called a Super Blue Full Moon… typically Blue Moons are when there are two full moons are in the same month however from the Summer Solstice to the Fall Equinox, there are actually FOUR Full Moons instead of 3 as a typical season- thus, the term: “Blue Moon”. The “Super” comes from the Moon’s orbit being in closer proximity than a normal Moon distance from Earth, therefore it will appear larger in the night sky. And of course, a Full Moon, where the Moon sits opposite of the Sun at the same degree though in opposite sign. This is quite a rare occurrence, with the next Super Blue Moons being in 2037.
For this Full Moon- the Sun sits in Leo, and the Moon in Aquarius. This is the axis of individuality and the Collective; Leo energy represents our authenticity, creativity, and self-expression, and Aquarius- the future, innovation, tech, evolution, revolution, and the individual within the Collective.
Creativity paired with pure, uncensored, unfiltered Genius.
There is so much happening with this Moon, the energies, the retrogrades, the anticipation, the movements- the Beautiful Opportunistic Chaos or just Chaos if you choose not to see the beauty and the opportunities. It is a lunation filled with incredible stories, narratives, thoughts, beliefs, and yet~ perhaps no longer resonant to who we are, to our truth or our authenticity.
There is this massive pivot point and potential of detachment and change— of Breaking-Free and Breaking-through to what has been keeping us held back or tied down, or just not honouring who we truly are.
Aquarian energy invites us to embrace and embody our individuality. Our quirks, our weirdness, our genius, and to walk our own path. It invites us to stand in our own power and authority- very much from understanding our Leo-ness, with courage to be who we were born to be, to share our gifts and talents with the World, and to not hold back.
And as we embrace our own individuality, there is the inner knowing that we will attract those who resonate the same- so we never need to feel ALONE.
Rather than masking ourselves to “fit-in”, acting or dressing a certain way, or dimming our light, can we ask ourselves: “Why do we feel the need to fit in so much? To receive approval or to be accepted by others who probably don’t even accept themselves? Why do we still care so much about what others think of us?”
This Full Moon energy square Uranus can want us to seek stability in community, friendships, and relationships, yet are those people and groups really aligned? or have we compromised our authenticity, or even lied to ourselves— to align to them?
And this awareness can hold an element of surprise (or shock factor), especially when we are being 1000% honest with ourselves.
The ruler of this Moon is Uranus, and sits in an exact fixed T-square with the Sun & Moon~ Mercury Rx also conjuncts the Sun, adding emphasis to our mind, intellect, expression, communication, and learning. (There are currently 5 planets in retrograde- Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron. Retrogrades allow us to review and reflect, revisit and rest… thus the energies are introspective, rather than action/external oriented.)
Anytime Uranian energies are activated, we are speaking to the future and evolution- bringing them into the NOW. Uranian energy connects us to the ethers, beyond time & space, our spiritual antennae receiving intel from the outer and unseen realms, and the electric energies flash and buzz around us like fireflies in the summer nights.
The air is filled with ideas, brilliance, sparks of creativity and originality, and the future is already here- perhaps dizzying, or overwhelming even… This energy can hyper-activate our nervous systems; and Mercury and Uranus together can put us on edge; therefore we must learn to ground these energies as to not get too restless or uneasy during this period. Grounding practices have been key for the past week+, and continue to be… as we move into this Age of Aquarius.
Holding our Inner Peace sacred, though rituals and routines, these are the tools and resources that we’ve acquired, and will continue to acquire— may we remember to use and apply them-- for that is how knowledge becomes (and evolves into) wisdom.
Uranus is the Great Awakener~ the breaker of traditions, the rebel, and the innovator. These energies present to us the opportunity to detach from what we are still clinging or grasping onto, whether traditions, stories, programming, or labels (humans are creatures of comfort), bringing the subconscious into the conscious during this Full Moon~ on the Collective level as well as individuals~ all to free ourselves from the old stories and write new ones in more alignment and authenticity to our Souls~ always in co-creation with the Divine.
(Yes, there is the possibility for disruptive or unexpected events on a Collective scale, as Uranus shakes things up, especially our foundations and resources when in Taurus~ wanting us to see things differently, from different perspectives as Uranus the planet itself~ rotates on it's side, different from the others. If* this does happen, stay in your lane, mind your emotions and the manipulations~ again, stay grounded, out of fear and low vibrational frequencies, and breathe.)
There is a second T-square playing out in this lunation’s energies, which also contribute to the possible overall feeling of uneasiness and disruption. Mars and Jupiter still conjunct in Gemini, square Saturn in Pisces who opposes Venus in Virgo, (therefore Mars/Jupiter also square Venus), and it’s worth mentioning that a Mutable Grand Cross is created with the Great Attractor in Sagittarius.
Jupiter actually will square Saturn exact a few hours after our Full Moon- and this is the first major aspect and square that these two social planets have had since their Grand Conjunction in Aquarius of December of 2020. The last square of Jupiter & Saturn in Gemini & Pisces happened in 1965 in this same degree 17° (if you may have been alive then, think back). Though their most recent square prior this one was back in 2016, though in Virgo and Sag. They will square once more when Jupiter retrogrades later this year (Saturn is direct)~ exactly on Christmas, still in mutable signs. Thus this Moon offers preview energy of what’s to come~ carrying these themes out till the end of this calendar year and a bit beyond.
So if there’s anything that may still be lingering from 2016 until now… where you have become more aware yet still not have taken action or change/release/let go… may this be your sign to do so. The Christmas Jupiter/Saturn square offers the follow-up energy to see if the changes and shifts have been integrated as it will be the last square in Mutable energies for this cycle (in June 2025, their squares begin in Cardinal signs).
This is a choice point to level up~ or stay in stagnancy (or comfort, if that’s what you’d like to call it too) as Jupiter is the planet of Expansion, and Saturn of contraction~ yet when in aspect with one another, Jupiter brings major REBIRTH energy to those who are willing to adapt and rebuild their structures, foundations, habits, and what once was- inviting in newness and optimism— all aligned to our values with supportive relationships, and the creation of our Dream life into Reality.
It feels like we are threading the needle with everything that’s happening in this lunation~ and whatever you’re feeling, allow~ though don’t get stuck. There is no right answer when it comes to Aquarian energy~ only YOUR ANSWER, in your inner knowing and connection to the Cosmos/ Divine/ Universe/ God/ Goddess.
And the way we can become more receptive and engaged with the energies is to ASK, and then hold a space of sacred stillness, anchoring the messages into this physical reality. Grounding into the most human-ness we can, so that we’re able to pass through these energies with grace and our desired outcome; rather than becoming distracted or deterred from our path. The eye of the storm is always the calmest.
This Aquarius Full Moon invites us to finally detach from all that we’ve outgrown. The people, the places, the stories, the thoughts, the things… and to step into our radical and most amazing authentic selves; this next evolution and rebirth— sharing our GENIUS with the World.
And each of us DO have Genius.
But first we must learn to step into the power of knowing~
Aquarian Minds and the waves of electricity...
We don’t need to dim to fit in, because we already belong.
Happy Full Moon,
ps: The energies during this lunation will also serve as a preview of what’s to come next month as we enter Eclipse season once more, and the first of the Eclipses in Pisces which will launch the incoming Nodal shift in January of 2025. So grab your crystals and allow them to moon bathe tonight/tomorrow night~ cleanse your space, cleanse yourself, reconnect to Nature and Mother Earth through your breath, the land, water therapy (epsom salt baths/the rains/ the ocean), and however else you feel fit. xx